Incorporated Societies Resources 

The new Incorporated Societies Act was passed into law on 6 April 2022. The new Act intends to make incorporated societies’ governance functions more robust by aligning director duties more closely with those in the Companies Act. Examples include introducing officers’ responsibilities and requirements for dispute resolution processes. 

There is a transition period during which incorporated societies will continue to be subject to the 1908 Act until they decide whether they wish to re-register under the 2022 Act or consider alternative options. 

Societies that fail to re-register between October 2023 and April 2026 will cease to be incorporated and will be removed from the Register. 

Re-registration will involve filing a constitution that is compliant with the new Act.  

Sports communicates to the regional/national body for guidance in the first instance before any changes are made through the templates on Sport NZ website. 

There are many links with information & templates to help you to improve your documentation and meet the regulations, they will need to be adapted to suit the situation of your club.  

This is a phased approach, and as further information comes to us, we will update the links and resources. 

All incorporated societies will need to re-register with the Registrar by April 2026 with a constitution that is compliant. Societies must review their constitution and make any necessary modifications. Societies needed few changes may decide to update, while others may see this as a good opportunity to start afresh. 


Presentation on the change from Goron Noble- Campbell, Chair New Zealand Amateur Sports Association (NZASA)

Resources – NZ Companies Office ​​​​​​​