Healthy Active Learning

Strengthening tamariki wellbeing through healthy eating, drinking and quality physical activity

About Healthy Active Learning

Following on from the Made to Move pilot which began in Invercargill and Bluff primary schools in 2019, the Government’s Wellbeing Budget provided investment for Healthy Active Learning.

​​​​​​​Healthy Active Learning is a joint government initiative between Sport New Zealand, the Ministry of Education and Te Whatu Ora (Ministry of Health) that seeks to improve the wellbeing of children and young people, through healthy eating and drinking and quality physical activity.

Active Southland's Healthy Active Learning team is currently supporting 66 Southland schools and their communities through till the end of 2024 with the aim to;

  1. Support their understanding of the value of the Health and Physical Education Curriculum
  2. Support their understanding of the value of play, active recreation and sport
  3. Support teachers and kaiako to be confident and capable in delivering the Health and Physical Education Curriculum
  4. Support the creation of healthy food and drink environments
  5. Support well-informed decision making when using external providers within the education setting
  6. Strengthen their connections with the wider community, including whanau and local health and physical activity providers

Healthy Active Learning In Action



Teaching Resources

Here you will find links and helpful resources that will allow you to gain more understanidng of a variety of different teaching resources related to health, physical activity and healthy wai and kai.

Meet the Team

Stu Brown

Regional Coordinator

Heron Futter

School Facilitator​​​​​​​


Jodie Whitson-Morris

School Facilitator​​​​​​​

Richie Crean

School Facilitator​​​​​​​

Healthy Active Learning